Great Resources Elsewhere: May 14 to May 21

50+ Designers to Follow on Twitter | Vandelay Website Design

Twitter has grown on me as a method of communication in the last few months — I like the insight it gives me into the lives and minds of the people in my field whom I respect. But when you’re new to Twitter, it can be tough to find people to follow. If you’re in that boat, check this out: Vandelay Design has put together a list of 50+ designers to follow on Twitter (and more in the comments).

CSS: Simple Rules for Better Organization and More Efficiency – Jens Meiert

Jens Meiert has written up a nice article offering several tips on how to organize your CSS to improve your coding efficiency. It may seem like a small thing overall, but as Jens points out (via a quote from another), “Organization is not everything, but without organization, everything is nothing.” In other words, you can write the best CSS in the world, but if nobody can read/navigation your code in the future (including yourself), its probably all for naught.

Review: 5 Free HTML Editors that Get the Job Done

Matthew Griffin writes, “A couple months ago a subscriber commented on one of my articles asking me for a resource list of Free HTML editors. I had made mention of Adobe Dreamweaver in the article and he politely reminded me that not everyone has the money to drop on Adobe’s products.” As a result, Matt has pulled together a list of five completely free HTML editors (mostly for Windows, but there are some Mac and *nix options as well). And what I like most about this list is I’ve never used any of the five, so I have a whole list of new toys to try out. When I don’t have Dreamweaver available, of course.

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